Computer Science Department Policy on Academic Honesty
As stated in the campus wide Academic Honesty Policy (AHP)1, "academic integrity is the foundation of an academic community". Accordingly, the CSE faculty takes this matter very seriously and has embraced a zero tolerance on this matter. The process described in the following establishes the minimum consequences for violations of the AHP in CSE courses, but repercussions may be more severe for egregious violations.
The Computer Science Department Policy on Academic Honesty (''CSE Policy'' from now onwards), does not substitute the AHP, but rather specifies how it will be implemented when students enrolled in classes offered by the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department2 are found in violation of the AHP. In particular, the CSE Policy defines how the CSE faculty implements the ''Instructor-Led Process'' described in AHP 802.00.A.
This policy and the associated processes have been developed in collaboration with the Office of Student Conduct and the School of Engineering, and is jointly implemented by the CSE Faculty, the School of Engineering, and the Office of Student Conduct. The CSE Policy becomes effective starting from the Fall 2019 term.